Remembering the Tragedy of September 11th…

It’s the 10th anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center, Pentagon, etc. that occurred on September 11, 2001 that killed and hurt thousands of innocent people, wrought nearly unspeakable damage to lower Manhattan and spurred anti-terrorist measures that have affected travelers around the world for the past 10 years. Mrs. MM and I have been in New England for the past few days, and today, on the morning of the 10th anniversary, our television was completely filled with tributes, non-stop coverage, and the poignant stories of that fateful day 10 years ago, and they are still so incredibly sad and upsetting. Our hearts and prayers go out to the victims and their families.

In the past few days, we have driven to Maine for lobsters, explored college towns in surrounding states and visited fruit orchards bursting with late summer fruit. I love the feel of New England in the Fall, the beautiful countryside, the warm and hardy people, and the delicious produce of both land and sea that are so classic, simple and real. The car plate numbers in New Hampshire say it all… “Live Free or Die”. If we could send a bouquet of these farm-raised flowers to each and every family who lost a loved one on September 11th, we would. A very, very sad day indeed.


11 Responses

  1. Grateful that my cousin who worked in one of the towers was able to run down flights of stairs and survive.

  2. MM, I’m watching the 9-11 tribute on CNN..I can’t believe it has been 10 years since the world as we knew it changed forever. The best revenge is always to live life to it’s fullest…I’m glad that you, M and I are celebrating the glory of New England together. Your sentiment about sending floral bouquets is making me teary :-(

  3. MM, it is so touching for you to acknowledge this tragic event which has completely changed the world. Americans all over the globe are united and standing strong. And, as susie b says making me teary eyed, too.

  4. Watched the memorial and the rest of the tributary shows up to now.

    My car was towed this a.m. to be totaled, a victim of Irene..somehow, this was just a “gentle breeze” compared to the devastation that happened 10 years ago.

    As we move on, enjoy every moment of your travels, MM! Be safe, be happy, and take plenty of photos of your EB in Vancouver!

  5. That day is still burned in my memory. I was sleeping in my apartment in Menlo Park and was awakened by my friend, frantically checking up on me because I was scheduled to fly out that day (but my friend didn’t know my flight wasn’t scheduled to leave until late at night). Turned on the TV just in time to see the second tower fall.

  6. amidst all the sadness; we also remember the courage and heroism (of the firefighters, policemen, emt’s, doctors, nurses, etc.), the outpouring of love of the family and friends of the victims, and the overwhelming support that showed us the humanity of strangers… we continue to pray for healing and peace in these times… and above all, we always remember the good things despite the bad circumstances…

  7. There is time for everything…now is the time to rebuild and recover fully. After taps come the morning that follows and the sun that should lift us all from this tragedy…

  8. I can’t believe that it’s already been 10 years… My cousin’s wife’s father actually died on the Worl Trade Centre attack, unfortunately his remains was never found :(
    I hope to visit Ground Zero someday and pay my respect…
    May God Be With You All!

  9. I still remember when I saw on TV– tower 2 hit by a plane I thought it was a movie. I was in shocked and I shed tears when both towers crumbled to the ground. Last March, on a visit to NYC, I paid my respect at Ground Zero.