“No Reservations, Philippines” Showing on Local Cable Stations


Finally, some 8 months after the episode aired in the U.S. and elsewhere in the world last February, the episode of No Reservations, with Anthony Bourdain in the Philippines, (and a short segment with Marketman’s lechon) will air this week in Manila and elsewhere in Southeast Asia. Please check the Discovery Travel & Living website for schedules for China and Taiwan as I believe they have slightly different schedules. So please set your alarm, write it into your “to do” list or put a post-it on your television if you want to see the episode…


On Discovery Travel & Living, the schedule for the Southeast Asia grid, including Manila, I gather viewing times will be:

14 October Wednesday at 9pm
15 October, Thursday at 7am
18 October, Sunday at 11am
18 October, Sunday at 8pm
19 October, Monday at 00:00 hours, four hours after the previous showing
20 October, Tuesday at 6pm
21 October, Wednesday at 1pm

If you want to read all about lechon and what led up to the Bourdain shoot, try this post, that summarizes all previous lechon related posts on marketmanila.com. Many thanks and happy viewing!


69 Responses

  1. And I thought I already missed the airing… yung pala hindi pa pinapalabas dito sa Philippines… will definitely set my cellphone alarm for this. And I will get to see the famous lechon… and oh, you too, MM! :)

  2. hi MM! I saw this episode on Discovery Travel & Living here in Hong Kong maybe around March or April… I surmise HK is not in the same grid as Manila?…

    Anyways, congrats on a fabulous ‘No Reservations’ feature!

  3. Discovery Travel and Living is not available in Cebu. I will have to content myself with being able to buy a kilo of “the best pig ever” on Sundays for a wonderful lunch. I’ve successfully made at least four converts already who are now “diehard believers”!!

  4. thought I missed this too! thanks for posting the sched, i’ll try to watch! would you happen to know if this channel airs on Destiny Cable?

  5. Thanks, MM. Watched it a couple of days ago on YouTube. Thrilled to see “best pig ever” segment. Gigil na gigil ako :-) And really felt for Augusto. The whole experience must’ve been tough on him and his family. Altogether a show all Filipinos can be proud of.

  6. If you guys can record it, do so.
    I saw this episode at least 15 times.. yep I’d recognize MM in public now as if I’d known him for a long time (gotta love On Demand – you can watch your fave episode as many times as you’d like). Very inspiring, indeed.
    When I grow up I wanted to follow in your footsteps and go back to PI then do business there and travel with my family…

    Kudos to you again MM.

  7. i thought I missed it already! they’ve been talking about it on the show’s facebook account some months back. i’m so lucky to stumble into this site today. ahhh, serendipity!

    thanks for sharing!

  8. I had the “best pig ever” (ZUBUCHON) 2 sundays straight, and I’m so proud of your crew, MM, for cooking the zubuchon consistently in terms of crsispiness, taste and aroma. I wish all your readers could try it. Our New Zealander Chef gave it a two thumbs up! Thanks for making Cebu proud of your lechon, and most specially for making your zubuchon available in the market!

  9. To Mom-Friday: Yes, Destiny has DIscovery Travel & Living Channel… that’s where I’m going to watch it. ;)

  10. wahhh… skycable sucks! we dont have discovery travel and living channel. I really want to watch that episode. Hi MM! love ur blog im so hooked! everytime I browse ur site I didn’t notice how long i spent browsing and reading ur posts until I check the clock. Im sooo glued. anyway God Bless u and ur family for all the support your doing in your feeding program and for helping the families that devasted by ondoy, may u continue ur kindness and generosity. and that also goes to all the readers that supports and help u continue ur program.

  11. thank you MM for the info. Will ask my husband to watch with me, kasi i always make kwento to him about you and also I’m a big fan of Anthony. BTW good to see you again in FTI last Saturday.

  12. Watch it in YouTube,,It haves a complete compilation in there i guess, i watch the history from beginning to end,,,It is very entertaining and full of real food adventures from north to south…..

  13. I just love this episode & your lechon MM!!! I regret not taping it when it was first shown here. I ‘m always on the lookout for repeats/rebroadcast but I always tune in at the middle or something – too late to tape the show!
    I love lechon, and crispy pata & grilled pork belly (w skin on). Sadly though, besides watching my cholesterol level, I find I can’t tolerate eating too much fatty food, esp pork. Using the suka/bawang sawsawan makes matters worse. Bad episodes of acid indigestion. I even try to take Pepcid-AC BEFORE eating. It doesn’t help that much & I end up having to fast & take a lot of Pepto Bismol before I can eat properly again. I guess I just have to take smaller portions & go easy on the sawsawan! Growing old sucks!

  14. Already saw the episode from YouTube but will definitely watch it when it airs on local cable…Go Augusto! Go MarketMan! ^_^

    For those that don’t have Discovery Travel & Living, you can watch the episode in YouTube (but it’s cut up into several parts, there are 5 parts I think) or you can get a copy from ‘other’ Internet sources. ;-)

  15. YES!!!! Travel & Living Anthony Bourdain sched is 9:00pm here in Singapore. I believe it is the same time as Philippines sched. Will definitely drooling with that lechon “The best pig ever” !!!!

  16. Timely post :) I was just watching No Reservations last night, and they featured India. I was wondering when I will be able to watch the Philippine episode.

  17. Right NOW, i’m watching the Philippine episode(3rd to 4th time)—Claude’s segment just completed. now it’s Augusto’s…soon, MM’s…

  18. Cris, thanks for answering Mom-friday’s question. And yes, Destiny carries Discovery T&L, it’s a bummer that the channel doesn’t show in Cebu, which is mentioned prominently in the program…

  19. I just finished watching the show on the Travel Channel. Now, i’m craving for lechon…

  20. hi, sir! Gud afternoon! This is Weshlynne from Us Girls of Studio 23. We will be shooting in Cebu on Oct 22-24. We are wondering if you’ll be in Cebu during that time. We would like to feature you sana. Kindly email me na lang if you’re available by then. Thank you! :)

  21. what a great episode. one more reason why i want to go back to the phils. can’t wait!
    thanks to the producers of travel channel / anthony bourdain. they really showed the good side of the filipino culture, our love for food and the pride of the people showing off their specialty. oh that sisig and san mig, kare-kare, sinigang, bulalo… i’m drooooling

  22. That lechon looks so good. I’ve been patiently waiting for this episode to air in our area.

    Now I gotta get me some lechon and Mang Tomas sarsa! Mmmm… Mmmm…

  23. Watched it for the first time last night too (we’re in Calif.) and I didn’t catch the part when he introduced his host in Cebu. I had a feeling it was you, thus I am here to check it out. I finally see you in the flesh. That was one feast you prepared for them. I just found the Augusto segment weird esp. the family dinner at his uncle’s house – it was a bit subdued compared to the usual boisterous Pinoy family dinner.

  24. I thought it will never be shown in Australia. I have been waiting patiently from the time when it was aired last February 16 (US episode). AB has been part of my lami-lami since 2007, never missed an episode. I was disappointed as it has never been shown in Australia thus I haven’t watched AB’s show for at least 3 months now. But kiko has seen it.. i’ll check this Sunday’s repeat. Sorrrry…Tony

  25. It is incorrect to say that there is no Discovery Travel and Living in Cebu……if you have satellite service, Dream has the channel. I am lying in my bed in Banilad…just turned on the telly and first face i saw was MM’s! Artisinal Choc told me the show was going to be shown locally but had no idea it was tonight!

    Artisinal Choc brought Gil Carandang over to my house after your lunch today…he is helping me do up my kitchen garden. I am just in awe of his understanding of all things green!

  26. susie, the program will replay another seven times over the next week, in case you want to watch the whole show… as for Gil, he promised to help us convert our small vegetable garden into a thriving organic one… we are definitely excited about the prospects!

  27. Just finish watching it here in Singapore !!! Although I’ve seen it in you tube last time nothing beats the real one on big screen TV…Really proud of it specially when Anthony says “Taste like candy” and “Best Pig Ever”.

    Now my problem is me and my wife is really raring to have that crispy lechon skin….I guess I’ll just do my slow roasted pork belly this weekend :( or … have a short weekend in Manila :).

  28. MM and Susie B, I’m looking forward to Gil Carandang helping us all out produce organic vegetables and herbs. I am also looking forward to everyone having excess produce so we can all offer our harvest at the Sunday Market at the Banilad Town Center.

    To everyone in Cebu who missed the No Reservation Show, you can drop by this Sunday at the Banilad Town Center and taste the best pig ever for real!!! No need to imagine how it taste…hehehehe. But come early. The Sunday Market opens at 10a.m. and the Zubuchon crew usually sells all they offer by noon!

  29. Watched this for the nth time and each time my mouth waters over the lechon. I completely agree with you when you explained why Filipino food has always been “just there”.

  30. MM, congrats to you, your family and crew. I watched the 1st showing last night and the show is awesome. now everyone wants to fly to cebu to taste the best pig ever!

    i like the portion when Anthony says that it was he who introduced the lechon to augusto’s daughter!

  31. “Best Pig ever!”Just watched the show this morning.So proud to see Bourdain enjoying Filipino foods.MM, your segment was really the finale!Congratulations!

  32. Jacqui, my guess is Augusto hasn’t really bonded with his Cebu family since he visited the Philippines only once before the show, and just for a week. Since it was he, not the Cebu-based family, who made the pitch to AB, not sure how willing they were to plunge into the show. And when you have those cameras thrust into your face… It did surprise me though that AB made no comment on the food that evening.

  33. Watched it last night… have to say my heart goes out for Augusto… though I understand that his extended family might have felt uncomfortable with cameras all around and a tall, lanky american visiting their home.

    All the segments were superb… especially when “the best pig ever” (wink, wink) :) made its appearance.

    Makes one think… has our ease in adapting to other cultures been detrimental to our own?

  34. As what Anthony Bourdain says ” WE Filipinos are too nice” not sure if it’s a compliment

  35. I watched the show MM. The part I liked best about the episode was the one where the “best pig ever” was featured. Since we had a lechon EB weeks after that, it brought back a lot of warm memories of the place, your grill, lechonan and the lechon. But our lechon EB had a more festive mood, bigger spread, and the people were quite enthusiastic, isn’t it Artisan, Lee, Millet, Joan?

    Well done MM.

  36. moni, you are absolutely right, the EB was more festive, less stilted. It’s hard to be normal when there are four cameramen constantly swirling around you. :)

  37. Yes Moni, the EB was more relaxed. I believe it was also held before Chef Tony came to town.

  38. Artisan, nope, EB was a couple of weeks after Bourdain came. That was the joke, Bourdain was the practice run for the eyeball…hahaha!

  39. Artisan & MM, here’s a funny tidbit on that lechon EB lunch last year. When we were about to start the feast, Mrs. U, of the wickidly good silvanas fame, said, “Hoy kitang mga Bisaya, diri ta manlingkod sa tumoy …” So the Cebuano-speaking EB participants — Mrs U, Millet, Joan, and the others, whose names escape me now — truly had great fun and instant bonding. Conversation went like, “Unsa man ang imong gikuha? Lami ba na? Tilaw ini kay lami jud kaayo! Lami ang guso….” It was like we were old friends that there was no wall between us. Thanks a lot MM.

  40. i’ve seen iiiiit!! woohoo! it’s one of the greatest episodes. and oooh is that you marketman? LOL :P i’m going to watch it again!

  41. Is this the one with the Fil-Am guy from NY? Interesting episode. It felt good for Bourdain to praise our version of lechon. Is that you with Bourdain in the marketplace?

  42. Chris Jose,

    “Makes one think… has our ease in adapting to other cultures been detrimental to our own?”

    Food for the thought indeed. Something that I have been theorizing for the longest time now….

    — Ivan Man Dy

  43. I watched No Reservations Philppines and I enjoyed it very much, particularly the scenes in Claude Tayag’s Bale Dutong and the lechon scenes in Cebu. “The skin is like candy” said Tony.
    He referred to MM as a respected blogger on Filipino food. I agree. Well, MM your anonymity has been fully blown now!

  44. I loved this episode! I even watched it twice! The lechon looked so sumptuous indeed. I also remember hearing something about the “Suki” system in the market=D Anyway, it’s kinda depressing hearing Bourdain’s closing on this episode – that he wasn’t able to find an answer on why we Filipinos have great food yet our food isn’t usually on the mainstream=c

  45. ive just watched your Lechon Cebu episode ni Youtube recently… Just wanna comment cuz im a litsonero/lechon fanatic all my life… what’s with olive oil, thyme,lemon ingredient? how can it be a authentic lechon cebu? how about the Macau style priking of the skin method? how can you call that pinoy lechon? im just ashamed that you didnt stick to tradition… i know Super heaven Sarap ang lechon na ginawa mo but stick to tradition… like our ancestors did…

    just saying my 2 cents….