Seriously pungent. I feel for our Australian neighbor that is likely to be down wind from our kitchen exhaust fans (yes, we have two of them). But there has to be something poetic about how something that smells so bad can taste so darned good. Think blue cheese. Stinky tofu. Durian. I am still trying to minimize my salt intake these days, but couldn’t resist unleashing an early morning stink bomb into the neighborhood on a peaceful Sunday. Into a small caserole, I heated up some home-rendered lard, say a tablespoon or so, then added in three tablespoons of tampalen bits and fried that for a minute or so. Add three to four tablespoons of uyap or guinamos (shrimp paste) and saute for a few seconds before adding in a chopped native tomato or two. When it’s all mixed and softened, take it off the heat and add a squeeze of kalamansi if desired. You could also add in a chopped chili if you like it spicy. Use this as a condiment to say some grilled or fried fish or meat and enjoy it with copious amounts of rice. Some folks could eat just this and some steaming hot rice. Yum. Not for the smell-sensitive among you. :)

25 Responses
i miss guinamos with saging! i remember mom used to bring them by chunks (ilonggo guinamos) and then she would saute it with pork tomatoes and onions…ayun sira ang diet! hehe..
Enjoy! I am afraid this is where I get off the Filipino foods bus… :-)
And the smell is wonderful!
Hot rice please!
hi MM, is this the same as bagoong? thanks!
I seriously … love this!!! Kelangan nalang yung boiled na unripe banana! xD Smear it all over!
yum yum!! this is one of my favorite breakfasts… uyap sauteed with crisp up cubes of pork fat (with skin on) and paired with inun-on (paksiw na isda), fried egg and rice.
love the smell!
Try boiling a vinegar on a separate pot while cooking guinamos, tuyo or other pungent dish. It will help to lessen the impact ;)
I concur with Millet. The marriage of Pork and Ginamos in a searing pan is one of the most enjoyable food scents to be experienced. A Pungent Fragrance. A Fragrant Pungence. Mahamot nga Baho. Ay kagulutom!
Yours is a lot simpler than my Malay all-purpose kitchen and table condiment called sambal tumis using belac(h)an which is their version of ginamos though drier and formed into cakes or hard paste as Connie C brought up in the previous post. Sambal tumis contains shrimp paste, chili, shallots, garlic, palm sugar and tamarind paste whose greatest advantage is you can cook it in several large batches in open air in your deck or hidden driveway without alarming the neighborhood with its exotic aroma in Summer (a neighbor commented once that the smell that wafted to their side was way beyond burning rubber). It keeps well and lasts in your fridge to ward off homesickness and general winter malaise till Easter.
Ours is cooked with garlic and lots of onions, less the tomatoes. It’s more of the Central Luzon version which we enjoy with calamansi, steamed camote tops, round eggplants and okra ;D
Off topic, but wanted all to know that Saveur’s “best food blog” nominations are open. And yes, I have nominated Market Manila under “best regional cuisine”. :)
PS Voting on Saveur’s blog competition doesn’t start til 26 April.
wow sarap yan with kanin hmmm
kalami ani.
I’m waiting for the two week period my housemates leave for a short holiday to cook up a load of bagoong with tomatoes and onions and pork bits.
If this is like bagoong then I’m in on the bandwagon! :)
looks like our bicol version of “dinailan”, only we use kamias instead of tomatoes with lots of cubed pork ! yummy ! and surely abot kapitbahay talaga ang bango ! :)
“early morning stink bomb” lol. We fry fish outside using the bbq grill burner and we try to do this in the morning when most neighbors are at work. The retirees in the neighborhood aren’t so lucky. . .
I put lots of garlic and chunks of crunchy pork in my guinamos :)
nagtulo akong laway just by reading this.
MM, try cookingthe guinamos by rendering pieces of pork belly. Once the pork bits are now golden brown and crispy put them to once side of the pan. Fry lots of garlic in the rendered fat (oil) and then follow with the desired quantity sang guinamos and stir them all up together (pork, garlic and guinamos). Cook/stir for maybe about 2 minutes then add maybe about 1/4 cup of vinegar, depending upon sang gusto mo nga aslom, and cook for another 1 minute, until maluto man ang vinegar . I especially like this kun damo baboy. Yummy
Aguy! Lami-a oi!
We cooked this with pork fat. I can eat this with rice lang or sawsawan for hilaw na mangga. Ayay!
i remember my sister likes to fry ginamos with fatty pork meat, lami kaayo with warm rice.
she cannot do it now swiss naman iyang mga silingan ha ha.